Extending DevOps to Big Data Applications with Kubernetes
I’ve talked at Voxxed Days Buchares 2017 about how to apply some DevOps practices to Big Data applications by leveraging the power of Kubernetes and Openshif...
I’ve talked at Voxxed Days Buchares 2017 about how to apply some DevOps practices to Big Data applications by leveraging the power of Kubernetes and Openshif...
Spring Cloud Kubernetes is a fantastic project from the Fabric8 team that contains a lot of useful tools for building spring-boot based microservices. Versi...
Next version of Apache Camel (2.18.0) is about to come with a long list of new features and components.
Recently, I started contributing to open source software of the Apache Software Foundation and I developed camel-telegram, a component that allows camel base...
Spash is a command line tool for Big Data platforms that simulates a real Unix environment, providing most of the commands of a typical Bash shell on top of...
Logging effectively is often a hard task in standard applications. But when the application runs in a distributed environment, for instance, a Spark job in a...
Why everybody talks about Big Data? Where does Hadoop come from? Which steps led to the diffusion of Spark? What’s next?
The Spark-HBase-Connector project started as a 3-days programming marathon I made last year. At home, with the flu. Now it is becoming one of the most popul...